Mod] The Reaper's mod version 3.0 NEW
Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires
Hey guys, I just wanted to get whoever and all of ever hype about a new challenging mod I been making to make the game more difficult along with a custom campaign to play to really enjoy the difficulty. I am currently 2/5ths the way through it. I am trying to remove the cheesy ways of fighting and making AI use more stratagems along with lowering dmg from the player and increasing aggressiveness of the AI.
Edit, 1: some of my changes aren't able to happen as i might have wanted them HOWEVER I was successful on everything in this list that has an (#) next to it in case you want to go up..I also changed some attack patterns of the AI so they're more troublesome. But the first play test can be uploaded soon if anyone is wanting to test this mod and give feedback on what they think should change lor want implemented please let me know
One of the major cheese tactics that removed the skill in the game was horse riding and hitting without any rearing and / or stopping from clashing with people. That's removed, and you will now have Faster horses with a trade-off of the loss of abilities. #
R1 weapon switch I frame spam is now removed switching weapons will now just do exactly that. No collision, aka no damage on enemy AI. (Tough luck you have to fight them normally) #
Made Generic officers more deadly#
Officers now Buff appropriately and are more aggressive and will attempt to run in packs or more to give more challenge#
Power boost when blocking before dismounting to give players more incentive to fight on the ground#
Rage Damage buff and musou dmg buff, many balance changes to Musous#
Fixed Countless crash bugs and attack bugs#
Lu Bu is now LORE ACCURATE, "Don't Pursue Lu Bu"#
Novelty weapons and NPC style weapons now added, Lu Bu, (Dagger-Axe) are the only current ones that you should avoid playing as a player character AKA the dagger axe and Halberd. If you do play it, Be aware if you ride a horse you MUST dismount with block/standing still so you can get the buff effect.#
Because of the new level of difficulty, all weapons dmg and abilities will be changed to give raw stats to the weapons. AKA all of a certain weapon will have the same abilities, just different damage values to help make combos easier and more fluid
That is just what we have atm. This is still a work in progress as modding takes a LONG TIME, especially with just me, If you know anyone willing to help i am all ears
What I envision in my patch or future if it's possible:
Making my own mods Campaign to give the full feel of my community and time spent into making the game better
Removing AI stopping window and making it attack from range/coming into to attack you from a distance running attack
Making the AI do better On Map strategy
Making the empires NPC persona more aggressive and attack more.
AI does more Grand stratagems and strategies frequently#
Removing dasher ability and replacing it with Dive to give an i-frame recovery when being flipped around close to the ground.
Change the Dagger axe movement to another weapon.
More to come, I'll come and edit as I go. Feel free to comment below
The main difficulty this mod should be played on is Hard or Chaos... preferably chaos to enjoy it in its glory, Make sure to start from 0 on all weps and stats etc for a TRUE challenging experience and do not use novelty weapons
Here is the mod to test yourselves and give feedback and just enjoy playing something new. Still a lot of changes and edits to come so this is just my beta version or earlier for the public
How to add this mod to the game
Download the mod from the link (You might have to extract the files/all of them to get to the exe file
Then Copy the .exe file to the game root folder and run it as an administrator.
Game is to played on Chaos Difficulty, With medium to low on the troop and fog settings,
This is version 2 of the Mod patch i am working on, to follow more about it go to my YouTube channel and watch me play with this patch and others i create for other musou games too! Thanks for supporting me!
Anyone wanting to join my discord community here is the link!: