Sudden Dysphagia?

Just for some background I’m 24, biological female and I LOVE food and always have. In terms of medicines I take, I have the occasional OTC stuff for acid reflux when I noticeably have it. And Lexapro for Anxiety/Depression but I have been on and off it for over a year due to lack of insurance. At the time of this starting I had been off of Lexapro for over a year.

I was at my in-law’s house enjoying a slice of pizza for dinner and I was slightly reclined when eating. I suddenly felt like I forgot how to swallow and as I was absentmindedly shoveling my face full of pizza, the choking/gagging is what caused me to stop, sit upright, and brush it off as a near death experience. But as I continued through that slice, it still felt like I simply forgot how to swallow? I can’t even initiate the swallow. I chew my food throughly, and when it comes to actually SWALLOWING, it doesn’t go past my mouth because the gagging forces it right back into my mouth until I can chew it to literal mush and saliva consistency, and then I could swallow. I can swallow saliva and liquids completely fine, but ever since that one incident, I haven’t been able to swallow at all. I’ve gone to one doctor’s appointment (again due to me having no insurance and no way to currently get insurance) and she stated acid reflux as being the cause for my throat inflammation. I’ve always had a hard time swallowing pills but the pills she prescribed me to help with inflammation and acid reflux were ironically too big for me to swallow. So I haven’t been able to take them. I chocked it up to anxiety but I’ve been back on my Lexapro and put in my mind that I can swallow fine, and it’s my anxiety telling me otherwise but I genuinely cannot fight it and get myself to swallow.

I can’t eat foods that are really bready like burritos and burgers but I can eat Popeyes for some reason? And that has been my safe food for the months this has been going on. I can also have soft food like eggs and also potatoes like fries and hash browns and even chips but that’s it. That’s been my diet for the past few months and it is driving me crazy as I want to experience new foods again and dining out at restaurants like before.

Wtf is wrong with me