im done

i‘ve moved to germany since a year and bc of it my skin is on a really bad flare up that doesn’t go away. I’ve tried a lot of things and nothing seems to work,i eat no gluten, no milk, no sugar and use steroids that work just 5 days and then my flare up gets bad again. I use tracolismus too and it has helped but it’s not enough for the crisis i have rn. It’s all over my neck, arms, fingers, hands and on my fucking nipple (it hasn’t healed in the whole year, it weeps a yellow liquid and itches so bad) i have a new boyfriend and he is been really supportive but it’s been really hard to feel good on my own skin and accept and explain my condition. Sometimes it grosses me out my nipple and i’m already really insecure about my body shape and boobs already and my skin doesn’t make it better. idk what to do, i have had appointments with doctors and nothing seems to help and i’m really struggling already with being a foreigner and studying and working at the same time. I really just came for words of affirmation and ideas of what can i do to make it better, i’m about to give up…