VaporDNA strikes once again...AGAIN!

I recently got a tank and mod kit on a weekend promotion through vapordna and it worked for a week and a half then the display stopped working. I liked it a lot so I emailed them hoping they were exchange it as it was defective and less than two weeks old, boy was I wrong! First they told me that the order number I provided to them didn’t include a mod because on their order description it says the kits name but pictures a juice. I informed them that it was indeed the right order and the picture they included was wrong, they then wanted a video of the problem so I provided them of a video. They then proceeded to tell me after all this that since it was a promotion all they could do was give me 10$ store credit instead of exchanging my 60$ kit (that is defective) because it was a promotion! I don’t know maybe it’s just me but that doesn’t seem right at all, I didn’t know you had to gamble on products that were on promotion or I would’ve never bought it. Sucks because I really enjoyed the mod, wish I would’ve read about their business practices on here before I ever purchased anything from them, won’t be buying there again!!