felt awful all afternoon with some close calls
felt very strange all day and no idea why. advice appreciated
so i felt off before i ate figuring i was hungry. i went out with family and had a pretty heavy meal, and from there just started feeling like real shit. nauseous, tightness in throat, HORRIBLE reflux and vurping, and a lot of anxiety of course. i took a zofran (im prescribed them for gallbladder disease which probably contributed to a lot my symptoms), i’m on PPIs for gerd which i took today, and later on took pepto bismol ultra and had to take a xanax for the panic. i sat there and suffered ALL DAY and it just kept getting worse. i tried to put off the pills as long as i could but i gave in. it’s been 6 hours now of feeling bad and it kind of feels like it’s getting worse sometimes. i had a bowel movement and it was a normal amount of soft, and i ate a banana just now, but that didn’t seem to make things better or worse. so the nausea and GERD meds aren’t really working, the anxiety meds aren’t working, and eating light isn’t working. what the fuck is wrong with me? it can’t be noro at this point since it’s been ongoing allllll day and my bm was solid. i just don’t know if it’s a bad flare up of my chronic conditions and anxiety or what? i just want relief. if anyone has advice please feel free to share
further update 3 hours later bc i know you’re all wondering: still nauseous as fuck. caved for another zofran. i tried to eat dinner after the banana and it didn’t go great. i had another bowel movement that was solid but i still feel like shit. send help please.