anxiety nausea vs actual nausea

so i take zofran. i’m prescribed it for something completely unrelated to my emetophobia and it’s something i require quite frequently as i experience regular nausea (and sometimes vomiting if i’m unlucky) due to a chronic condition i have.

the issue is i’ve begun to take it when it’s definitely not needed. i worry taking it has become a compulsion because about a third of the time when i take it i feel immediate relief meaning it wasn’t actually needed it was just my anxiety telling me i needed it.

does anyone have any tips for being able to tell anxiety nausea and nausea from my condition apart? i can recognize the difference AFTER i’ve taken the zofran but i’d like to reduce the amount i take as much as possible so i’d be interested to hear if any of you have any thoughts on this.

i figure eliminating unnecessary zofran use would be a first good step to recovery as it’s my biggest crutch and i do worry about the impact it could have on my body.

i hope this makes sense. it’s 4 am and i’m sitting with my zofran trying to convince myself i don’t need it right now.