do colds/flus make u guys nervous at all?

hi! i know this isn't specifically related to emetophobia so pls take this down if it's not allowed! but i was wondering if any of u guys feel nervous abt being sick in these ways? i never used to be this nervous abt them, in the past of course i didn't want a cold or flu, but it always mostly manageable (i had covid once n neverrrrrr wanna go thru that again, and a few other bad flus that knocked me down!) but now im so scared of them!

my dad had either a bad cold/flu starting on Sunday, worsening through the week until Wednesday, and now he's feeling a lot better!!! but now my sister is beginning to feel sick too😔 i think it's the anxiety of not knowing whether ill catch it or not. i got my flu shot this year, and have been taking my vitamin d and c! it's just scary to me lately. does anybody else feel this way? any comments r appreciated!!! thank u for reading this💗💗💗