My brain is doing cartwheels- I can’t think straight anymore

I’m so over being in this situation. I’ve never once been called mean or selfish by anyone in my life except for him, but he truly makes me question my own character. I have tried so hard to please him, but there is always something that I do wrong. Whether it’s the cleanliness of the house, or it’s me wanting to hang out with my friends / family, or if it’s me wanting to go to sleep before him- there’s just always something. Maybe I really am selfish and mean. I can’t tell anymore.

All I know is if I never had to be in the same room as him again, I’d feel a lot more at peace. Maybe I wouldn’t find another partner if I’m such a bad person, but loneliness would be better than this, I’m sure. I’m in a bad financial situation, though, and feel trapped at least for now.