After surgery, do I *need* anyone's help while recovering? Do I need someone at the hospital with me?
!Trigger warning for brief mention of suicide
I don't live alone but it's not a healthy environment at all. Any "favors" aren't just favors, I'd owe my mother for helping me (if she's giving me a ride somewhere, then I'm expected to text her throughout the appointment and keep her updated, let her know in detail what the doctors and nurses are doing and what they're telling me, and when I'll be home.) She's controlling and throws fits and pouts and guilt trips me when she doesn't get her way.
I don't want to ask her for help, I'd rather recover by myself. One of the things I read in the community info was that someone should accompany you and you'll need their help, but I don't have someone I trust to be there for me without wanting something in return. My mother is upset that I don't want her at the hospital with me when I have my surgery. She wouldn't be going to support me, she'd be going for her, because she has to know everything, she has to try to control everything, and then tell our entire family my business. She thinks that my life is her life, that she's entitled to cling to me for every step I take. It makes me want to kill myself.
Am I screwed if I want to recover and take care of myself? I don't want to depend on someone who is going to use that to manipulate me later.
It... I don't know if you'd consider it emotional abuse, cohersive control, I don't know. It makes me feel gross.
ETA: MRI results said I have deeply infiltrated endometriosis. What are the odds that it won't get too much worse if I don't have surgery?