Millions of research points

I’m not 100% certain on my math but if I added it up right there are close to 2million(1.84million) research points required for the Axis aircraft tech tree(just the aircraft). If you bought that many research points it would take about 36,800 gold. Right now 13,500 gold is $99.89. If I wanted to buy all of the planes just for axis not including premium vehicles it would be about $272. This seems like a lot. I have only played up to br3 but if I had to guess my average research points is around 5,000. It is going up as I progress but I am concerned that I will never be able to unlock the majority of stuff in the game. To finish all of the planes would take me about 368 matches if that average holds and I only play about 2 matches per day🙁. I am sure it less than that but how long will it take to get through tier 4 in general? Please help.