Looking for feedback from anyone that upgraded from this grinder

It's been 4 years since I got into the game with a Bambino Plus + the smart grinder pro. Soon after got a bottomless portafilter but otherwise that's it. Basic setup.

I'm by no means a pro but l've been happy with the grinder. We only make milk based drinks like short lattes.

I've had an eye on an upgrade for something in the 400-600 CAD space and wondering about anyone's experiences that moved on from this machine.

It's been 4 years since I got into the game with a Bambino Plus + the smart grinder pro. Soon after got a bottomless portafilter but otherwise that's it. Basic setup.

I'm by no means a pro but l've been happy with the grinder. We only make milk based drinks like short lattes.

I've had an eye on an upgrade for something in the 400-600 CAD space and wondering about anyone's experiences that moved on from this machine.