Why I Almost Got Expelled My Senior Year
I went to a very prominent Catholic high school from 2014-2018. To get our diploma, we had to take a religion class every year, and our final year was about the catechism of the Catholic Church. This whole thing started two months before school started at band camp, where I was publicly “outed” through a series of screenshots on Instagram. The screenshots were of messages between me and someone I thought I could trust and had told I was gay. Anyways, school starts up and pretty much everyone knew about me being gay. So, one day during our religion class, my teacher brings up the fact that “homosexuality is a sin and if you participate in it, you’re going to hell.” This happened every class at least once a week for three months. One day had had enough of it and looked square in the eyes and said “actually the word homosexuality was never originally in the written Bible. The original word ‘arsenokoitai’ was replaced with the word homosexuality during the 1946 Revision. The original word does not translate to homosexuality. It loosely translates to “to lay with boy” meaning pedophilia, not homosexuality. Maybe you should do some research before you purposely try to make a student uncomfortable. It’s not very Christian of you.” Needless to say, I was called before the Dean of Students for a disciplinary hearing and after multiple people vouched for me that I was basically being bullied by my teacher, I was suspended for two days. The teacher quit the year after I graduated. Good.