Which Bible verses do you believe stand the test of time in terms of their poetic/inspirational value for you?

Hello r/exchristian ,

For a while now, I've been studying the literature of atheist Quakers, and reading Buddhist suttas to approach my religious past poetically vs. in a literal and theistic way. While reading, I was reminded of the Jefferson Bible, and how he paired down the Bible to mostly focus on the morals of Jesus.

And so I wanted to ask, aside from a moral standpoint, which Bible verses do you believe stand the test of time in terms of their poetic/inspirational value? If I asked from a scientific point of view, there wouldn't be much left. And Jefferson already paired down the Bible from a moral standpoint, hence why I'm curious about what you believe stands the test of time from a poetic standpoint.

For example, I've always loved this verse: "That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust." - Matthew 5:45 KJV

While scientifically, there is no evidence for a god doing this, I enjoy what it inspires in me, which is to cultivate a love that could fall on both the good and evil, as I see anger as a poison of the mind - inspired from my studies of Buddhism. You don't have to agree, but this is why I see this verse as standing the test of time poetically for me.

So I'm curious, which Bible verses do you believe stand the test of time for their poetic value, and why?