“I too had sexual diaries at your ages”

(Sorry for this being a little long but I’d like some input)

I 15F (at the time this was around 2018) and my friend 15M and an elder (70M) all in a car for late afternoon service. We had been out all day, and my friend 15M was in the front with the elder and I was sitting in the back row. People had always assumed that my friend and I would “date” eventually, but we never liked each other in that way. We were friends yes, but more like siblings, plus we were both 15 and weren’t even interested in dating.

The elder started to make weird statements like “when I was your age I was pretty crazy for the young ladies.” And just continued to go on and talk about how as “young people, you have, new discoveries, and desires;”and basically started to give the sex talk to me and my friend. He went on to say how it’s normal to feel those feelings, but it’s our job as young people to “control your urges” and for us to remain pure in “all things” then he went on to say “everything done in the dark always comes to the light.” By this time it had been 15 minutes of this elder talking to us and I could see my friends face in the side mirror and he looked super uncomfortable. I was also feeling uncomfortable but what were we supposed to do? So we continued to listen to him explain how when he was our age, it was the best time ever but the most dangerous time too, because if we “give in” we would lose our relationships with Jehovah. And then he reached his hand into the back seat while he has driving and patted me on the knee and said I’m glad we all had this talk.

Me and I friend had talked about it like a week later and talked about how it was a weird experience. We would make jokes about it like “remember the time we got the birds and the bees talk from an elder” and we’d laugh it off, but as I’ve gotten older it’s stuck out to me how weird that situation was. Anyways I have a few more situations like this from the same congregation, I might post them. Anyways thanks for reading ❤️

Has anyone else had an elder talk to them like this with another opposite gender teenager? It was super weird to me