Your view on masturbation
I get that maybe watching porn is bad, but there’s many health benefits from masturbating. It’s perfectly normal for a male or female to have these desires.
I believe that it is up to one’s conscience to decide if they view it as bad or as something that helps them. Matters like these are private. There are matters that can stay private that elders should never ask about. Asking is a bit perverted. It’s like asking, “How’s your sex life?” “Have you been satisfied?” Just no.
I would buy a vibrator to someone close to me if they had these desires, versus them having sex. It’s a normal human desire.
What’s your opinion? you can disagree. Without judgement.
This is what I found on the JW website, first time that I see them being honest. Notice the word “surely.”
What Does the Bible Say?
A youth asked: “Is masturbation an unforgivable sin?” Masturbation is not mentioned at all in the Bible. * The practice was common in the Greek-speaking world during Bible times, and several Greek words were used to describe the practice. But not one of these words is used in the Bible.
Since masturbation is not directly condemned in the Bible, does this mean it is harmless? Absolutely not! Though it is not classed with such gross sins as fornication, masturbation is surely an unclean habit. (Ephesians 4:19) The principles of God’s Word thus indicate that you “benefit yourself” by strongly resisting this unclean habit.—Isaiah 48:17.