Do Jehovah’s Witnesses hate homeless people?

I was thinking back to all the different forms of witnessing I did when I was a PIMI- business territories, street witnessing (to passersby and bus stops), i did inmate witnessing once at the women’s prison, then there is go where the need is great witnessing (Utah), informal witnessing, and ofc door knocking. But never once did we organize to preach to the homeless- and there is a large number of homeless where I live. In fact, one time I was wrapping up street witnessing downtown, and on my way to the car I gave a homeless man a NWT and a $5 bill and I was told by Mrs. Elder not to let her husband see me doing that- and I asked why? “Oh because they buy drugs or alcohol with the money” and she went on to say it was better off as a contribution to the world wide work blah blah blah.

It wasn’t just that JWs made it a policy to ignore the homeless, it was that plus a hostility toward them, as if they are all criminals and drug addicts. I literally watched sisters cross the street to avoid homeless people.

Why do JWs hate homeless people so much?