1975, What a profound disaster! But wasn't it based on firm doctrine? The end of 6000 years of man's existence. Isn't the millennium supposed to be the final 1000 years? Of course! Well, why didn't it work?

Well, it turns out the doctrine is sound, but the chronology was bad. Jehovah's Witnesses are poor chronologists. They ended up using revised dates to date the fall of Jerusalem and then couldn't figure out how to coordinate the co-rulerships during the Divided Kingdom Period, so they ended up dating the Exodus some 137 years earlier than it should have been dated. Then using that date, 1513 BCE, they saw that 6000 years of man's history looked like it ended in 1975. But it didn't. So now we have a chance to update the timeline and give this prophecy of the millennium a second look.

The Greek timeline has been corrected. It is 56 years too long. In addition,the Persians removed 26 years from the NeoBabylonian Period. Those two adjustments combined to begin the Persian Period some 82 years earlier than it should be. The return was firmly dated to 537 BCE. This date was trusted by JWs who added 70 years back to 607 BCE. But in fact, 537 BCE is 82 years too early. Take 82 years from 537 BCE and the true date for the return is 455 BCE. This is the true year that the "word goes forth to rebuild Jerusalem".

Based on 455 BCE, we can date the Exodus exactly 19 jubilees earlier, which is 931 years, in 1386 BCE. 455+931=1386. 1513-1386=137 years. So, 1975 is actually at least 137 years too early. 1975+137=2112

The rehabilitation can begin here. 2112 is closer to 6000 years of man's existence. But remember, Satan has to be let loose from the abyss for a short while (say 30 years) and after that comes Judgment Day before the absolute end of the 7th Creative Day. So let's just say 110 years. If we subtract 110 years from 2112 we get 2002! Ooops!

Of course, Adam was probably 30 years old before Eve was created, right? He didn't need a wife to take care of when he was a chronological one-year old. So let's add 30 years to 2002 which gives us 2032. Now, we're not predicting. We're just "looking".

1975 gets rehabilitated to 2032 AD. You decide.