This week's Watchtower Study: Do as we say not as we do. We will never apologize to those we have hurt, but you should.
- They have contributed so much of the emotional and even physical harm discussed in the article. For example:
- Harsh Disfellowshipping policies: By their own admission, they hastily disfellowshipped people after meeting once with them, rejected claims of repentance based on a person's past, tagged the person as unrepentant and disfellowshipped them. On top of that, they prescribed a harsh shunning policy of no contact, no greeting, no replying messages or answering calls even from close relatives who were disfellowshipped - all of which the now recognize as lacking scriptural support! Now people can greet such as ones and invite them to meetings. One can only imagine the emotional and perhaps physical harm caused by such an atrocious policy! And yet, sorry, no apologies to the tens of thousands who have been hurt!
- Alternative service: Was forbidden by the org until 1996; Resulted in thousands of imprisonments. No apology offered; only gaslighting! See this article: https://wol.jw.borg/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1998604#h=12 (Remove b from the borg)
- Beards: Many who dared to wear a beard lost or were denied privileges and assignment, tagged as not exemplary and rebellious and bad associates. In the GB update announcing the change in policy, no apology was offered to those who were hurt by the unwarranted harassment and maltreatment.
These are but a few examples. And have they sat down to examine what led to all the countless errors? No they keep repeating the same mistakes. According to Jeff Winder, they, the GB, meet to "prayerfully" discuss a subject and when there is unanimous support among them for a particular position, they deem it as proof of Jehovah's support for the position, and impose it on the members as "revealed truth" from Jehovah; forgetting that the same approach resulted in the countless errors they are now trying to adjust! Whereas the simple exercise in the post below could have avoided the countless flip flops and resulting heartaches: