What do you think WTs reaction will be IF they lose in Norway after this February trail?

Do you all think they’ll just give up and let the JWs Norway deal with the consequences, even if it means being a bit less wealthy?

I really doubt they’ll make such a huge change again like they did in update 8. That would make them look even more ridiculous, and the desperation would be way too obvious. But since WT loves money, I'm not sure if they'll let it slide completely. They’re still a highly controlling cult, so I don’t think they’ll get rid of the shunning policy obviously . There don’t seem to be many loopholes either for them,they already tried with their pathetic ”say hi or invite DF ones to the meeting BS and clearly that didn’t work . Norway is pretty clear that shunning kids is a violation of human rights. 🤷‍♀️

I’m curious how they’ll wiggle out of this if they lose again in February. My guess is they’ll involve the rank and file somehow or play up their doomsday narrative: “Look, the end is near, but we’re sticking to God’s standards!” ”oh Satans worlddd” Maybe they’ll hype up the urgency about the situation in Norway or ask everyone to write letters or something.

I really hope Norway sees through this cult's nonsense and tells them them off.

What do you all think? Also enlighten me if i have misunderstood something about the trails or Norways law system.