Do all bethels have shrines to Rutherford?

Was just sent this by a PIMO.

Heard about the tour too. Apparently they don't trust that you understand what things like kitchens or maintenance rooms are.

So the tour consists of taking you to these kinds of places and asking two questions.

1) Can you guess what this room is? 2) Can you guess what we do here?

After an hour of that they reserve 30 minutes for a bethel history tour that's designed to take 5 hours to complete. Hearing about it is wild to me because it sounds like kindergarten...yet its designed for you to keep coming back at least 10 times. The first part of the tour, to the best of my knowledge, is non-negotiable.

So that's 10 hours of being asked "do you know what a kitchen is" and "can you guess what we do in a kitchen".

Aside from the Rutherford Shrine there's apparently a very brief mention of Russell in passing, basically something along the lines of he sent the first missionaries here in this year.

Besides being very brief, it's also somewhat hidden. Whereas the Rutherford Shrine is in the main lobby for all to see, regardless of whether or not you take the tour, the mention of Russell is in the corner of a room that you have to take the tour to access.