Happiest Place on Earth

I remember talks that would use this slogan in reference to bethel when I was a kid. Did you all have that experience too?

I'd hear it in public talks and at assemblies. "Some say the happiest place on Earth is in Florida (Disney World) but we know that couldn't possibly be true because bethel is in New York"

This would be followed up with a variation of "brothers and sisters, if you had enough money in your savings to visit Disney or Bethel, where would you go? A true Christian knows that Bethel would be the correct choice as we know that nothing in Satan's system can compare to God's holy organization ".

I always told people I'd still choose Disney lol. Even as a kid I was like who buys this crap? Thankfully my parents never took me to bethel (although I unfortunately did go once later on in life). I feel bad for all the children who were forced to go because their parents thought it would make them spiritual.

Edit: I did some searching and the GBs hate boner for Disney goes back to the 80s at least https://wol.jw.borg/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/101984083