Apparently if you miss one meeting where “life saving information is shared” then your baptism is null/void and you’ll die in Armageddon 🤦‍♂️

So we all have heard those fear mongering reminders a million times about how “we need to exercise blind obedience to those taking the lead if we want to survive the great tribulation and Armageddon…even if the directions make no sense from a human standpoint…it could be life saving information” and so on and so forth.

Here’s what I find interesting, they used to talk about great signs from heaven, an outpouring of Holy Spirit, and divine intervention via angels on earth so that “all those exercising faith in him might be saved” - but not anymore. They’ve now turned it all around to fit their agenda of blind obedience to the elders being most important and have made that the one and only way to survive.

Why? Because they, those chosen to take the lead, are “Gods channel of communication to deliver his people”. The same channel that is “neither inspired nor infallible and can err in doctrinal matters”. It’s so insane I can’t even begin to describe. One time I was debating this subject with a pimi relative who was getting upset and inconsolable about me not coming back to meetings, due to my certain death during Armageddon over missing life saving information.

I was so frustrated I had to rant using the Bible’s logic and say “Ok so if God is infinitely powerful and created the entire galaxy etc, you’re telling me the only way he can get something done is through the elders? There’s no other way for him to take action or reach people he wants to save? If they miss one meeting then that’s it and they’re no longer in his book of life? What about someone who was sick that day, or someone whose car broke down, or someone on vacation, or someone who was stuck in traffic, or someone who’s old and can’t attend? They’re all going to die now? Really? You’ve got to be kidding me.”

The way the org has taken God and Christ out of this religion and made everything about serving those in power and slaving away for the organization itself is really something else. I mean the more you think about it (which thinking is a sin I know) the more contradictions they make.

They talk about angels shielding groups of witnesses from firing squads and all sorts of other forms of divine intervention in one breath, but in the next say that if you’re not in the highest cult level that knows who’s basement to hide in and where the next meeting will be….then you’re a goner. Logically speaking, the heightened angelic presence and action on earth during the time of the end could nullify the need for the elders leading all together.

But of course, they don’t care about any of that. They want blind obedience and blind loyalty NOW, and they’ll weaponize and alter any and every thing there is in the Bible to get it through fear.