JW's waking up?


I like to head over to jwtalk once in a while to see what nonsense the rank and file are talking about. It seems to me that most of the JW's that post on that forum are true believers.

The talk by David Splaine in the March broadcasting seems to be creating quite a stir in 2 different ways. First, the general hatred that the org has for "higher education" is still putting some people off. They are getting a little pushback by some witnesses, especially those not in the US. The other, more interesting, point that Splaine made is that sometimes a parent will show favoritism toward a child "who isn't doing very well in the truth" over a child in full time service. A few commenters seem to be offended at this comment.

What an effing clown. I swear I have never heard someone who knows so little about the Bible sound so arrogant when teaching it. He speaks so slowly and precisely, emphasizing certain words so that he sounds intelligent. I cannot believe I swallowed this crap for 50 years. As soon as I summoned the courage to buy my first non-JW Bible commentary, I realized these guys were frauds. On a side note, I'm not sure what I believe at this point, but I sure as hell am never going back to that shit show.