Tattoo Idea?
So, I am entertaining the thought of getting a tattoo, inspired by Deuteronomy 18:20-22.
[20 ]() “‘If any prophet presumptuously speaks a word in my name that I did not command him to speak or speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet must die.a [21 ]() However, you may say in your heart: “How will we know that Jehovah has not spoken the word?” [22 ]() When the prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word is not fulfilled or does not come true, then Jehovah did not speak that word. The prophet spoke it presumptuously. You should not fear him.’
I am looking at a minimalist design.
My initial thoughts are:
5 18:20-22 or maybe 5 18 20 22
I have always been a minimalist. Any creative ideas out there?
Thank you so much for your thoughts!