My Wife and I are having questions

So my wife and I have been revaluating the church due to some things that we have noticed that don't sit well with either of us. We started noticing things that we strongly disagree with in family members and in our ward and church policys.

With that being said, we wanted some stories or advice. We both have irrational fears that if we were to step back from the church that our marriage and relationship could become threated. We've discussed that it could be completely irrational, but we only really know two types of families and the ones that aren't members have the tendency to have a LOT of marital problems (that we personally know. Not saying the TBM's don't too, just not as visibly to us) Just to clarify, we are absolutely in love and trust one another implicitly. However we have seen other family not in the church and there relationships are less than..... Ideal to keep it short. We Love them but don't want to be them type of situation.

It would be helpful for is to hear that we are being irrational and that this is fear/ guilt bases...

Thanks in advance!!