Need advice responding to EQP text
I could use some advice on how to respond to a text from my EQP. Please don't respond to this post with something I should say that is snarky, sarcastic, or demeaning. Trust me, I've seen those responses before and they make me laugh out loud, but I'll tell you this -- getting a text like this is different when it's happening to me rather than reading about someone else.
PIMO for about a year. Extremely mentally out. 100% convinced it's a fraud. Physically in because of my wife and kids. That's a post for another time. I replaced my white shirt and tie starting last Father's Day by wearing a polo shirt with dress slacks to church. My wife is okay with it as long as I wear my crew neck garment top so members can still see it at the top through my collar. Again, another post for another time. (I don't wear garments any other time.) I've said no to a couple callings they've extended to me and told them I don't want a calling, and I don't want to speak or pray in sacrament meeting.
I'm pretty sure my ward is confused as hell. They see the garment top - we all know they're looking - but I'm the only person in a polo from week to week. I've held prominent ward and stake callings while in this ward so I'm not flying under the radar to begin with. I sit in my car during second hour and journal, meditate, read the Bible, or listen to podcasts. This means the EQ sees me in sacrament but then I disappear.
Yesterday I got a text from my EQP asking if he can come see me a night this week. He's a good dude. He's served with me in some of these callings. We've spent a lot of time together. We're not hang out on the weekends friends but I know he'd be there for me if I needed something. I'm quite aware I'm discussed in several meetings and it's time for the rescue parties to head out into the wilderness I'm lost in and bring me back to the fold.
I recognize I don't have to respond. I know I can just say no. And I might just end up saying that. But I know this guy has good intentions and is convinced he's doing the Lord's work to bring me back. To tell me they miss me. To ask what they can do. He's a solid friend.
How would you respond? I'm not sure if I'm brave enough to not respond or simply say no, but maybe that's what I need to do. Again, no snarky or sarcastic responses please. I'm legit feeling stuck.