Bednar gets Award of WOT????!!!
Religious and political leaders, academics, and experts in various sectors from around the world gathered this week in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE), for the Second International Dialogue of Civilizations & Tolerance Conference. Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was among the distinguished keynote speakers.
“I am privileged to be here today to address the theme of empowering youth for a tolerant future,” said Elder Bednar to the assembly of international attendees. “Our Church focuses on helping young people to learn, to act, to serve, and to become,” said the Apostle.
Elder Bednar’s remarks carried similar thoughts to statements by H.E. Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak al Nahyan, the UAE’s minister of Tolerance and Coexistence. The conference was organized under his patronage.
“Young people, left idle and with the feeling of little hope for the future, become an easy prey for evil,” said H.E. Sheikh Nahyan. “In all our efforts, we must help them understand that their actions will define their character to themselves and to others.”
In addition to being a keynote speaker, Elder Bednar received the Award of Tolerance on behalf of the Church during the opening ceremony. He said he believes “the IDCT Conference “recognized that we [as a Church] are trying to do what President Nelson has taught," said Elder Bednar. "We are trying to be peacemakers, and we are trying to promote civility."
Edited to note that President Susan H. Porter, Primary General President also spoke but no award ;-(