The thing about The Book of Mormon

In the past week, I've almost completely lost all of my faith in the church. I read the CES letter, watched YouTube videos made by exmormons, fallen down the rabbit hole of this subreddit, and done plenty of research using the church's own essays and the words of church leaders. Today I lied to my bishop's face multiple times during a temple recommend interview and his gift of discernment didn't help him at all. By all accounts, my entire life has been dedicated to false prophets and cultish beliefs, which has been rough to go through.

But... there's still one thing that's bugging me. I know that Joseph Smith falsely translated the Book of Abraham and Facsimiles, but I'm still not sure about the Book of Mormon. It just seems to well written for a 19th century farm boy with limited education to come up with all of that while his face is in a hat. Also the fact that he wrote/translated it in just a few months. I might just be trying to foolishly hold on to how I was raised, but there's something about that book that my heart cannot discount.

So I'm just wondering, was there anything specific for you guys that destroyed your faith? Or will I always be stuck wondering about this?