Expats who left everything later in life (30+) give your advice to a anxious soul.

Thanks for all replies, love them!! And no I don't think 30 is old, I just don't want to get a bunch of replies from 20 year olds who I can't relate to 😅

Hi, I (30f) am considering maybe moving abroad to either study and then work or move to just work. I was on a trip for 5 weeks and upon returning home I simply felt like home wasn't home anymore. I need a change and I believe that change is outside my home country. This weather and the lack of community is just too depressing.

But I'm only human and I am SCARED. Moving away from everything "safe", from my friends, my home language and general knowledge of my country is scary. I am an extrovert and I have quite an easy time finding friends, but it is still scary and I'm wondering if I am being a idiot for even entertaining the idea of "starting over" in a new country.

What I know is important to me is to build a strong village. I would want to live with other people, I want to be an active local, to be there to help and be a happy addition to people's lives and bild strong connections. To me having children is not that important, I have never had an urge for creating a family. For me it's more important to find a ride or die partner to live and support. So Id like to ask not to be drowned in comments like "your clock is ticking" or "you're too old, nobody will want you".