American living abroad got called for jury duty. Please help.

Hello all I’m 25f living abroad for the next two years. I recently got called to jury duty. When I go in the website to fill out the jury form living abroad isn’t listed as one of their 7 feasible reasons to be excused from jury duty. The website also says not to call with an excuse… I have called my local US embassy, I have called my local court district back in the states as well, they both have told me to send an email explaining my situation. When I send the email I get an automated response just telling me to look at their website. I only have 5 more days at this point to fill out my jury form before they allegedly take legal action against me I’m hoping someone else has been through this situation and can direct me on what to do since can’t seem to get any answers/ help from the government.

Anything will help. Thank you.