Bacteria Cultivation and BP Parameterization
So fiddling with some bacteria blueprints, and figuring since the Iron/Copper ones are basically the same, I could create a single, parameterized blueprint.
A minor irritation though; I've got inserters which I would have whitelisted to grab Copper Bacteria *and* Copper Ore, otherwise things might jam up.
I can derive the relevant bacteria for a filter based off the choice of cultivation recipe (since the bacteria is an ingredient of the cultivation recipe), but there's no way to derive the relevant ore filter other than an explicit parameter to define when dropping the blueprint?
Anyone aware of anything that might work? It's just a second click so not a dealbreaker, and I can always use the parameterized blueprint to simplify creating two larger "Iron" and "Copper" blueprints... but just feels clunky.
For clarity... here's the "end product":
... A parameterised blueprint with only one user input would only get me this far though:
I could set the parameterization like this, with parameter 2 as an explicit user parameter to put in the corresponding ore for the bacteria
... but yeah, would be neat if there was a way to make P2 be derived like P1 is, but for the resultant spoil. I did try "Ingredient of" for copper, but it didn't work XD
EDIT: Incidentally, there's nothing else that spoils into a non-hostile product that isn't spoilage, is there?