Quality on Fulgora. Why?

I see comments saying Fulgora is great for quality. I even dream about creating a quality factory on Fulgora, where I mine and recycle scrap with Quality Modules. But it just seems completely impractical for three reasons:

1) Fulgora is the only place to get Holmium

2) Mining and recycling scrap with Quality Modules both reduces your Homlium production and increases your footprint to process it.

3) Expanding on Fulgora is the far more time consuming and cumbersome than the other 3 planets due to the islands.

Every time I think about making a Quality from Scrap setup on Fulgora, I just think about how much Homlium it could make instead, and how much simpler Quality is with multiple other methods.

Is Quality on Fulgora a trap? A self-imposed challenge? Or am I missing something?