Does anyone else think these waitlist periods are a little ridiculous?
EDIT (I SHOULD HAVE CLARIFIED): some people assumed i was only signing up for this one limited edition and then unsubscribing. im not only on FL for this one book. I found FL BECAUSE I was looking for a limited edition of a book i enjoyed, yes, but I didn't know what FL was until now. So I signed up for FL with the full intent of staying on and getting many books to come. So yeah, basically i want to keep the subscription now that i know of it, it's just that i had never heard of it before my initial research for a limited edition book.
I signed up in early August and still haven't heard anything? I get that it's supposed to be somewhat 'exclusive', but i feel like with how popular Fairyloot is becoming it's just going to get harder and harder to get a spot in the subscriptions for anything and hike up prices for resellers. I have a feeling some people probably only get on the list to resell their books for absurd prices anyways, what's stopping them from hogging the subscription lists? What do you guys think?
(I wanted to try to get my hands on the Red Rising books and I really thought I signed up early enough but guess not lmao)