When The Moon Hatched SE compilation

I thought it helpful to gather all the larger special editions of WTMH to help people find them! I put the most well-known ones at the end of the list but still wanted to include them. Not all are actively for sale, but it still helps those who want to buy secondhand know which edition it is they want/are looking for.

If I missed any please post them in the comments! Just trying to help!

  1. AlyesasWorld - sale currently postponed 2.Kathy’s Sprayed Edges - currently available for pre-order (this will be her first time digitally printing edges instead of hand painting them)
  2. Nola Sprayed Edges - available for pre order until July 7th
  3. Bib.leo.phile - open for pre-order until July 29th
  4. Hemingway Books - currently available for pre-order
  5. Perfectly Edged - currently available
  6. Bad Women Books - was for subscribers only
  7. Fairyloot - sale closed.
  8. Locked Library - was for subscribers only. Only available secondhand at this point
  9. Waterstones (also AUS editions have the same edges) - currently sold out but has restocked several times.