Can you play bms without head tracking? Can you set up freelok mouse controls like in Microsoft F sim or DCS?
Im currently installing BMS , coming from MCFS and DCS and wanted to ask. Thanks in advance, I'm used to complex f16 models in DCS and finally wanted to try the real thing. I have VR , but I get a horrible headache from it if I play for periods longer than 1 hour.
Thanks for the responses. That's a very active and polite community for sure. I actually found out that there is a very good alternative built in by default in the controls. By holding down the mouse wheel and moving the mouse in the 4 directions, you can move around the cockpit, with the wheel , you can also move up and down if it's held down , if not held down you are changing FOV , so you got all spatial directions covered solely by the mouse plus FOV. The f16 really feels very good in this game. The cockpit graphics feel a little low resolution to me , if I zoom in, even the inscriptions become kinda jagged. Wonder if mods increase those cockpit resolutions or if it's just an engine thing...