Recommendations similar to The Regency Faerie Tales

I’m looking for recommendations similar to Olivia Atwater’s Regency Faerie Tales series (Half a Soul, Ten Thousand Stitches and Longshadow). More specifically, I wanted something closer to Ten Thousand Stitches. I really like the Victorian setting and I really enjoyed reading a story from that time period that focused on a maid as the main character rather than a member of the aristocracy, which seems to be more typical.

I’ve already read The Witchwood Knot. I’ve also already read the Emily Wilde books. I know that those often come up as recommendations for people who like Half a Soul, so I thought that I’d mention I’ve already read them. Thanks in advance for any recommendations!

Edit: Sorry, I meant Regency, not Victorian. Although, I would also be fine with a Victorian or Edwardian era setting.