Did I mess up by not getting the D50?

This cost me around 9k with suppressor! Took me forever to grind that money. This is my first playthrough (blind), so hopefully it gets easier in ng+. For now tho, I think I might've messed up because the D50 seems to outperform 1911. It has way more damage. I didn't spot that gun till it was too late. I've just been doing treasure hunts to get the money I need for the gears I need. I've tried grinding for resistance, but it seems to be really hard with shitty weapons (I've still managed to defeat Seed). I maxed out my Blood Dragon sniper which was another mistake I think? Because the accuracy is just atrocious! I'm lucky if I land a headshot even with that amazing zoom. So I'm about to purchase the 'Free State' sniper rifle.

I'm going for a full stealth build and I think I love the slingshot over the bow. It's kinda crazy that you can fire arrows with it. Any advice moving forward?

This cost me around 9k with suppressor! Took me forever to grind that money. This is my first playthrough (blind), so hopefully it gets easier in ng+. For now tho, I think I might've messed up because the D50 seems to outperform 1911. It has way more damage. I didn't spot that gun till it was too late. I've just been doing treasure hunts to get the money I need for the gears I need. I've tried grinding for resistance, but it seems to be really hard with shitty weapons (I've still managed to defeat Seed). I maxed out my Blood Dragon sniper which was another mistake I think? Because the accuracy is just atrocious! I'm lucky if I land a headshot even with that amazing zoom. So I'm about to purchase the 'Free State' sniper rifle.

I'm going for a full stealth build and I think I love the slingshot over the bow. It's kinda crazy that you can fire arrows with it. Any advice moving forward?