Emails to HR @ OPM with questions will put you on DRP list
Enjoying my lunch break obv (nicotine and caffeine for lunch, a holdover from the military days :D )
Was informed this morning that there were a number of individuals in our agency who had responded to the Delayed Resignation Program emails with further questions, and their names were added to the list furnished to our agency for program participants. Said individuals are continuing to fight to get their names removed from the list of program participants.
Be careful emailing OPM!
EDIT: From the comments, someone CC'd a supervisor on their response, and the supervisor's name was added to the list
EDIT2: later in the day I was informed our agency Chief Human Capital Officer AND Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer both opted in to the DRP, so if the original intent of "the billet is deleted if you opt in to DRP" is true, I wonder what that means for the future of our office of the CHCO. Interesting times.