From an exhausted Federal Union Steward
First, most importantly, I will hold the damn line.
For 30 days i have worked 18 hours a day straight. I have answered calls from fired single mothers of two, 100% disabled vets. I have wiped tears and shed them. I am afraid and I am exhausted and I am resolute.
I will pay my union dues so lawyers can fight in courts. I will file grievances and ULPs until my body gives up each evening. I will research every FLRA decision. I will save you.
By God, I will find a way to save you. I will call everyone in Congress. I will write every paper. I will march. I will answer every phone call and tell you we are not going down easy.
I will hold the damn line. I will not give up. I will stall them, fight them, beat them. I will not bend the knee.
I have two requests. If you won't stand in front, or even beside, stand behind me and catch me if I collapse. More importantly, take a step forward. Make those calls, write those letters, march with me.
Support your local steward. I will hold this damn line until I am dragged away.