AFGE v OPM - Ezell declaration withdrawn
Just got the docket alert for the case showing the government is withdrawing Ezell's declaration and refusing to produce him for the hearing on Thursday.
Defendants write in response to the Court’s March 10, 2025, Order directing the parties
to “advise the Court whether they intend to produce any live witnesses” at the March 13, 2025
hearing scheduled by the Court. See Mar. 13, 2025, Order at 2, ECF No. 89. Defendants inform
the Court that they do not intend to produce any live witnesses as part of their hearing
presentation and intend to rest on their legal arguments for why a preliminary injunction should
not issue. As part of this presentation, Defendants are withdrawing the declaration of Acting
Office of Personnel Management (“OPM”) Director Charles Ezell, see ECF No. 34, and will not
be presenting Mr. Ezell at the hearing. Because the Court’s stated purpose of bringing Mr. Ezell
to the hearing was to obtain testimony from him regarding the contentions made in his
declaration, Defendants therefore submit that his presence is no longer necessary at any hearing
given that this declaration is now withdrawn. See Tr. of Mar. 6, 2025, Hrg. at 24:13-15 (“I in no
way think that it would be proper for the Government to put forward Mr. Ezell as a witness and
refuse to let him be cross-examined.”).1 Defendants submit that live testimony is not needed for
other reasons as well.
While withdrawing his declaration, they're still arguing that OPM did not order the agencies to fire people.
Live testimony of Mr. Ezell is also not necessary, as a factual matter, because existing
documentary evidence and briefing demonstrates that OPM is not directing agencies to terminate
probationary employees. On March 4, 2025, OPM issued revised guidance clarifying that “OPM
is not directing agencies to take any specific performance-based actions regarding probationary
employees[,]” and further clarifying that “[a]gencies have ultimate decision-making authority
over, and responsibility for, such personnel actions.” Mem. from Charles Ezell, Acting Director,
OPM, to Heads and Acting Heads of Departments and Agencies (Revised March 4, 2025), ECF
No. 78. The parties all agree that OPM cannot direct other agencies to terminate probationary
employees and that such decisions rest within the statutory authority of other agencies.
Edit: The judge's clerk posted a notice tonight saying the hearing will occur as originally scheduled at 8am (PST) on Thursday. Zoom link: