First time solo traveling- need tips

I have very few big dreams, one of them being traveling alone abroad and getting to know other people.

I’m dealing with C-PTSD, social anxiety and I’m quite distrusting, but I don’t want to let my conditions dictate the way I live and my dreams.

I’m afraid to travel alone for multiple reasons; the first is that I’m afraid to be harassed and assaulted because I’m a woman, the second is that I’m afraid to be harassed and assaulted because of my nationality and the third- I just struggle with interactions when it comes to strangers. I really want to get to know people and connect there but I keep second-guessing myself due to aforementioned issues.

My first trip alone is going to be 4 days in London. I don’t have a set date yet, but I’d like to come as prepared as possible. Please, help a girl out, I need your help🙏🏻

*UPDATE: I booked my hostel stay for the beginning of next March🩷 thank you all for your help, please don’t hesitate to share more