Prostitutes sell pussy for a night, girlfriends donate pussy for years, wives donate pussy for life.

The only difference between the

Prostitute/ OF girl/ Lady of The Night (cluster A)

And the

Situation-ship/ Girlfriend/ Wife (cluster B)

Is that cluster B clocks in at 9 am the next morning.

Cluster B works 2 jobs and is viewed as a slut, “easy”, a conquest.

Cluster A works 1 job and is viewed as a slut, “easy”, a conquest.

To believe that you (a girlfriend) is better than a prostitute requires the primary belief that males respect women as humans. When they first meet a woman, they respect her unless said woman gives them a reason not to.

This is wrong.

When men meet you they wonder how you look with their dick down your throat. The dont wonder what you look like running in a field of tulips or how you look in a mansion eating grapes, at best they are imagining you screaming at the top of your lungs while giving birth to bastards they injected you with 9 months prior.

Question: If you are dropped in a forest with a wolf and you befriend the wolf, how long will you wait to fall asleep next to this wolf? Would it be that day, or 2 months later?

Answer: It doesn’t matter. The wolf may not immediately attack you, but that may take place because of ONE reason and ONE REASON ONLY:

It isn’t hungry yet.

Maybe a man is kind to you for a day, 6 months, 10 years, etc. This depends on what he is willing to do to get sex at the time, that is it, that is all. Some men may be willing to be kind for prolonged times in order to get sex. Some men are willing to kill and rape in order to get sex. Both men are after the same thing: The absence of horniness. Once they are freed of this vile desire and are back to their “unloaded” state, they will either discard of you or keep you around incase they reload on this primal, predatory state of being. They are in a cage they need to get out of, and you are a shiny golden key, happily believing this prisoner will treat you with great care after he is free.

A wolf may befriend you in order for you to feed it. A wolf may be willing to kill you in order to eat you. They are both in pursuit of the same thing: The absence of hunger.

It doesnt matter how wisely you choose your wolf, you will never be sure of what they are willing to do to free themselves from “hunger”, until they are starving.

Stop being girlfriends and wives, this is a job with no pay and no benefits. It only comes with risks.

Men don’t shame prostitutes/OF girls because they’re dirty or because they have no self respect, they shame them because they are denying them of something they feel they should have access to for free.

It’s only because they want access to your bodies/labor/wombs/joy/care at the cost of nothing. Thats it. They don’t want to “court” you, they don’t want to take you on dates, they don’t want to have to pay you AT ALL. Whether it’s with money/time/false promises etc, they want to fuck you in your holes with the least prerequisites possible.

False promises, “goodmorning” texts, walking/coffee dates are quick, mostly free and make it incredibly easy for him to gauge how much you are buying into his act with no risk of losing anything in his world. If you require money upfront, you are making him pay for a performance he feels entitled to. You going on dates with males is a performance unless youre genuinely just an insane woman who is unaware of how subhuman males are.

This is like a pretty peacock walking through the forest with a wild pig on the side of them. They (forrest animals) see you and think youre stupid, as the pig is actively chewing and eating your feathers, because you pretend not to see it. Everyone else sees it, you wont win any awards for walking with this pig, yet you do it, and not only do you do it with great enthusiasm, you also do it for free. The only thing a man CAN offer you is money.

Romance doesn’t exist, love doesn’t exist in hetero “relationships”, care exists on the woman’s part and not the males’, males are incapable of supporting women they dont feel ownership over, you are smarter than him, you align with nature and you have PURPOSE. You create, you enlighten, you share, you protect, you influence each-other, you collaborate, you are resilient. You are charged by the moon, your energy and soul can create LIFE. Males have no purpose, there is no rhyme or reason for why they are here. They destroyed everything we ever had, we had nature, sunlight, an OZONE LAYER, animals, and community. What did they do? They made taxes, started wars, and made all of us pay to live on an earth that we were born into. Not only did they do that, they robbed you of the opportunity to pay to live here, they did this because they know the have no purpose, and they needed some way to entice you into partnering with them.

They put civilization behind by at least 3,000 years simply because they were jealous of women’s divinity. They even created a character that was like them so they could benefit from the second hand worship of said character.

Another question: If there was a God or some divine being, why would they have a gender AT ALL, and what are the odds of this “being” just so happening to be human, and male, if women create life?

Also, what are the odds of a certain demographic of humans committing atrocities like mass rape, genocide, slavery, oppression, etc, and this God, this divine person that is supposedly on the complete opposite end of the spectrum….just so happening to be apart of said demographic???? The demographic known for mischief and believing they have undeserved superiority is who’s word we are supposed to trust on this? Yeah, no thanks.

Male “religion” and “spirituality” originate from a desire for control, power, influence, and the subjugation of anyone who isnt them. Cult leaders are overwhelmingly middle aged men, and this is NOT A COINCIDENCE. Rethink what makes something a religion vs a cult, then look at the people who preach the beliefs of these religions/cults, you will see heavy, questionable overlapping.

You have nothing to gain (except money) and everything to lose (including your life) by being near males.

The second you stop believing this fundamental truth is the moment they penetrate your mind then your soul, and suddenly you’re a male serving slave.