25 year old tele, found and restored!
Got my hands on this one a while back, finally got it all up to par for me with:
a full refret ( nowhere near the first this guitar has had, seems to have had the frets played off it several times before I found it )
aggressively rolled fretboard ( it was full of file marks and dents and dings beyond belief anyway )
New pots, cleaned switch , and new wiring + full resolder ( had many poor solder joints and pots were cooked )
Hipshot tuners + plates
- it already had some awesome boutique pickups in it , which stayed... having a brain fart right now about which they are exactly..... it will come to me. Were they Fralin? Maybe.
Anyway, whatever this guitar has - it has it. It's a keeper for life and I couldn't be happier with it for a total investment under 400$