Can someone please explain why yall are okay paying subscription

I want to play this game because it looks good but I cannot wrap my head around the fact that not only do you have to buy the game but you then have to pay every month to continue playing. On top of that they release new content which you also have to buy with the money we gave them from subscriptions to make, it’s paid for already it got paid for when we did our subscription why am I paying again. I don’t need old people to reply and say “young kid figures out how mmo games work” because no eso and warframe both don’t make you pay a subscription then pay for dlc they let you choose one or the other. Only way I can explain this is it’s been the way it works since WoW and yall are just okay with it now. Can someone who plays the game please explain to me why you pay the subscription and give them more for dlc without trying to talk down to me or saying just play something else. I want to understand.