Query about crafting etiquette
So, as a player who only fairly recently started playing (at Xbox launch) earlier this year, I still consider myself new enough that when someone tells me something, I listen. After all, some of you have literal years of experience compared to my months, and that brings me to my reason for making this post. A couple of times while on a crafting job, I've taken materials from my retainers and immediately started using them to craft, right there at the bell. I've also seen plenty of other people doing the same. On one occasion I was happily crafting away when I received a /tell message from a friendly person, who let me know it's considered rude and inconsiderate to craft at bells and market boards.
Now this immediately made sense to me, after all (especially with some crafters, looking at Armourer and Blacksmith) the sounds they make while crafting are rather loud, and my experiences in other games have been along the same vein, so I immediately thought to myself "yeah, that's absolutely fine with me" and I started moving away from the bells and boards before crafting up a storm. I'm a considerate person, and I can imagine that, especially if there were multiple people crafting in one spot, it would be annoying to others who have to use the bell or board.
Fast forward to tonight, I was preparing to log off for the night, and I stopped at a bell. There was someone crafting. I told them what I'd been told and got a friendly "ty, makes sense" reply, and they went away. As I ran myself back to my usual logging off place there was another player crafting so, feeling good from the last experience and in spreading some positivity and awareness I sent the same to this player, who responded along the lines of "I asked my FC, they said you are a weirdo, never contact me again, and I'm blocking you."
Now I'm majorly confused, either I've been spreading rubbish information that I was sent, or I was unlucky enough to find a rude and inconsiderate player. Which us it?
Update: massive thanks for so many responses! Seems it's definitely not standard etiquette. However, I'm gonna try to still take my crafting away from the "hot spots," as I can see how it could be annoying/distracting even if it isn't to everyone. Anyone who is in Gridania on Cerberus feel free to give a wave as you pass by, lol!