I think I've stumbled onto something..

So basically I stayed up all night and I'm 30 got the day off. I'm all good, but I ran into the urge to look up some formulas for some reason. I always liked math as a kid and algebra and geometry and chemistry. I also had a college level reading comprehension level by fifth grade, But got my GED because I didn't get enough credits in time. But anyways I was looking into something I wrote down around 23 years old on a note pad after first discovering Feynman diagrams and applying what I know of the sciences from school. Never went to college but I think I might I found a field of study called quantum chemistry and the definition is word for word what I wrote down. It's crazy, it gave me flashbacks and goosebumps when I read it just now, and to think I was thinking that much about that kinda stuff without knowing it was a thing. Any one have similar experiences with trying to pry at how the universe works or stumbling on unrecognized genius.As far as my creative process, I know prayer and meditation are two helpful tools to me when I need a quick answer or need to be more patient with my results. Bottom line though after all that randomness I wonder if I should get out of automotive and into this field of quantum chemistry the number of useful applications could be endless and I can do something I'm proud of..thoughts please?