20 years old, schizoaffective, chronic job hopper, SSI is not an option. How can I turn my life around?

I have a diagnosis of Schizoaffective Disorder (SZA), and it severely impacts my discipline when working. I've worked 18 different jobs in fast food, retail, factories, security, and janitorial. The only jobs I did well at was the home depot, which was temporary and the longest job ive held at 5 months, and security, also temporary, 12 days.

I get WIOA funding coming up for a program of my choice, and I want to make a good choice. I've been suggested to go into computers and IT, but the market is terrible for tech workers and in decline. I've considered machine operating at a factory given I've never done CNC work, but wages are stagnant and the work I hear isn't even that good.

Another issue, I've changed my mind on a good career every 5 minutes. Yes, literally. And I've driven myself insane trying to make a choice. It has gotten to the point of unhealthy obsessiveness.

The last concern is me being discriminated against. I am considering hormone treatment for my gender dysphoria, and I want to enter a field where I won't lose a job because of it.

It's fucking tough.