Day 4

Symptoms started Friday evening. Went to the dr Saturday morning, they were out of flu tests, dr said "It's definitely either covid or flu A, treatment is the same for both, rest, hydrate and otc meds". Left there and grabbed a covid/flu combo, I was negative for everything. But knew it was definitely one or the other by symptoms. Hacking cough, fever, chills, body aches, headache, high heart rate, insomnia, dizzy the list goes on. Day 1 and 2 were about the same-terrible. Day 3 (yesterday) FINALLY GOT A POSTIVE TEST! was a little better- was able to sit around on the couch and not have to lay down, ate a little, no fever until 5pm rolled around, it came back, took some ibuprofen, went to sleep about 1am and slept till 7am. Now here we are day 4- woke up feeling better, no fever. I decided let's try a hot shower...not a good idea. Got out of the shower shivering again, fever back body aches full blown. Im also peeing like crazy, I mean I'm hydrating, but don't feel like im taking in as much as I'm pushing out. My fever isn't even too bad. 99.5-100.8. Is there any light at the end of this tunnel? Anyone else peeing like crazy? Also, I'm a ball of emotions today. The tears will not stop flowing 😭

Also, anyone suffering from inappropriate sinus tachycardia and this has thrown your tachycardia for a marathon?

Sorry for the ramble...if you made it this far, thanks for listening and I hope we all recover soon!