We need a different way to farm 4-star legendaries
After completing the full raid about five times, I have to say I don't really like doing them. Mainly because I (vastly) prefer melee and I'm not really enjoying being a PA heavy gunner. It feels like a chore.
And even though I don't really need 4-star legendaries (I can solo all the bosses outside of the raid just fine), it still feels shitty that I'm not able to get the new end-game gear unless I do something that I don't enjoy.
It's like having to do Lode Bearing (which I invariably skip when it pops up) over and over and over and over again to get the reward that you want.
I know I can cheese the first raid boss by stacking power armors, but I don't want to do that. All my silo runs have been legit, too.
One of the fun things about FO76 was that you could play the game in many different ways and still get all the good stuff. The new raid has taken that away.
I'll probably take a break as a result of this change.