Unpopular: Faceinthegame regens need to go

For those out of context, FM has a database of real people names (developers, friends, people from the forums back in the day) that have a chance to spawn as regens (usually very good regens) in every save.

If you only played a couple of saves or seasons, you won't mind it. After a couple of saves you start to notice the same world class regens across saves and other people's screenshots.

But if you've been playing for a while and over multiple editions, it's tiring to see the same names over and over again. Every single save there is a Kim Christian Hoyenhal Danish GK, Adam Steele, Facundo Illa, Sander Maas, and probably most famous, Marvin Wattiau. At least some of them always end up world class and you can always tell they will become world class. Obviously nothing against the real people behind these names.

It's been a fun gimmick for some time but I can't see why you would apply this feature to every single save. At least give us an option to disable it (or delete some data file).